Are you in a rush to find the perfect gift for someone special? Don’t panic – Hardtofind has got you covered! With thousands of unique and personalised gifts to choose from, you can easily find a thoughtful and unforgettable present on our website. And the best part? You can send any item as an instant gift!

Sending an instant gift is easy – simply click on the ‘SEND AN INSTANT GIFT’ button and enter the recipient’s email address (or your own if you prefer). You can also add a special message to make the gift even more personalised. Next, complete any personalisation fields to customise your gift, and as soon as the payment is processed, we’ll send the recipient an email, letting them know you’ve bought them a gift. Alternatively, you can email the gift voucher to yourself and print it out to include in a card.

Once the recipient clicks through to redeem their gift, it will be waiting in their cart with a voucher code to purchase. They can then enter their mailing details, and the gift will be on its way! And if they want to change their gift, it’s no problem at all – they can simply swap it at checkout by adding a different item (of the same value) to their cart and removing the original gift.

So, whether you’re looking for a last-minute birthday present, anniversary gift, or just a little something to say “I’m thinking of you,” Hardtofind has got you covered.

With Hardtofind’s instant gift option, giving a thoughtful and personalised gift has never been easier or more convenient. Start browsing our extensive range of unique and personalised gifts today and surprise your loved ones with a gift they’ll cherish forever!


*Please note that promo codes cannot be applied to gift voucher purchases. 

Hardtofind is Australia’s leading online curated marketplace for gifts, fashion and homewares.