Hungry? You’re gonna want to go and get a snack before you read this post, because these almost-good-enough-to-eat finds have the power to bring on serious cravings… (And we can’t have you actually eating wall stickers because you were ravenous for strawberry gelato.)


Ice Cream Wall Stickers: If your favourite words are ‘double scoop, please’…


Pink Soda Cushion: The next best thing to an actual strawberry shake.


Iconic treat Sequin Purse: Brings back fond memories of childhood birthday parties.


Banana Bib: So cute, if they get real banana on it, you’ll be mad.


Fries Kitchen Set (Apron, Oven Mitt & Towel): A tribute to the king of all food groups – potato.


Heico Burger Lamp: Super realistic – watch your hungry guests around this one.


Cupcake Bean Bag Cover: This’ll come in handy in a food coma situation.



Ice Cream Selection Necklace: Even on a 40-degree day, they won’t melt.


Donut Pinata: Fill it with sweets and work off the calories trying to get ’em out.


Coconut Cocktail Mug: No hacking with a knife required.


Erstwilder Pineapple Express Brooch: Unlike summer fruit, this brooch never goes out season.



Areaware Gold Banana Bowl: “What ap-peel-ing decor!” We can hear the dad jokes already.


Nigiri Sushi Illustration: This print won’t judge your chopstick skills.


DOIY Maki Sushi Socks: Socks that roll up to look like sushi. That’s our year made.


Egg Sweatshirt: Better to have egg on your sweater than your face.


PS. Edible food you can gift and 30 home updates under $30.

Hardtofind is Australia’s leading online curated marketplace for gifts, fashion and homewares.