Here’s an interesting fact (that just might help you at your next pub trivia night): Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world, beaten in popularity only by old faithful H2O. And it’s not hard to see why tea is topping so many people’s list of preferred bevvies – as well as delivering a delish flavour punch, the right brew can also give you a good dose of antioxidants and hydration. But what’s the best way to sip all the benefits of a herbal tea? We asked Lee Sutherland from organic tea label Little Wildling Co. for her tips on the perfect cuppa…

It’s all about brewing time and water temps… “Most people don’t let herbal teas steep for long enough to draw out the health properties, and really combine and blend flavours,” explains Lee. “For instance, Little Wildling Co.’s I Need A Moment brew is what we call ‘valium in a teapot’. It is going to help you destress, unwind and aid in sleep. The longer you let it brew the better! But blends of green tea or black tea are made from tea leaves, so the flavours are drawn out quicker. They require less heat and typically the leaves are left in for less than 3 minutes (or longer if you like it nice and strong!).”

A basic guide is… “Black tea: 100°C for 2-4 minutes; Green tea: 80°C for 1-3 minutes; Herbal teas (tisanes): 100°C for 3-5 minutes,” suggests Lee. “A good rule of thumb is to let the kettle boil and then let it cool for at least 60-90 seconds.”

When it comes to tea, think outside the box (or the tea cup)! “It’s all about using herbal teas to create iced-teas, as cocktail bases and incorporating them into recipes,” tips Lee. “I love using a peppermint matcha tea blend to flavour anything from pancakes to raw chocolate and bliss balls – the sky is the limit!”

1. Organic Jasmine Green Tea, Mint & Rose Herbal Tea Tin 2. Personalised Tea Cup And Saucer 3. Anytime Teapot  4. Teaquarium Double-Walled Glass Bottle With Tea Infuser 5Rehab (Cleanse and Detox) Loose Tea Pouch 6. Eva Solo Tea Bag Tea Infuser 7. Relationship Status Tea Mug 8. I Am A Goddess Herbal Tea Tin 9. You’re My Cup Of Tea Personalised Coaster 10. ‘Tea Now Gin Later’ Vintage Teaspoon

PS. Seven of the best food gifts and go green.

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