Found yourself minus one hot date for February 14? No biggie (cue the sassy girl emoji). That doesn’t mean you’re condemned to an evening of too much wine and boozy Tinder swiping. This is 2017 – we say be your own Valentine. There are plenty of ways to show yourself a little love on Valentine’s Day… (We’d start by buying ourselves a killer gift, but that’s just us!)

Snuggle up with your dream man (*cough* Ryan Gosling *cough*). Whether Valentine’s Day puts you in the mood for a cheesy rom-com or a violent slasher flick, make sure your movie of choice has a hottie in the lead. Extra points if they go shirtless in at least two scenes.

Fall in love… with something new. Valentine’s Day could be the perfect time to try something you’ve never done before. A jujitsu class? Indoor rock climbing? Okay, so maybe you just want to try grabbing a drink at the new bar down the street? You go, girl.

Send a little love someone else’s way. They say doing nice things for other people is the key to happiness  – wait, have these researchers heard of chocolate? – so you might as well give it a try. Volunteer to babysit for your friends, or surprise your single girlfriend with a pressie (definitely a key to happiness).

Book a holiday. Ain’t no one gonna stop you from sunning yourself in Italy come June (except maybe your boss – sorry, we can’t control that!). Take advantage of your status as a free agent and start planning your dream vacay. Maybe you invite a friend, maybe you don’t.

Gift yourself. Well, since you aren’t spending money on a dude, you might as well splash some of that hard-earned cash on yours truly. We’ve got a few ideas…

1. Valentine’s Day, Schmalentine’s Day: Singles Awareness Anti Valentines Day Card 2. Wear your true love close to your heart: Gin Necklace 3. In case you forget the moves: Single Ladies Backpack 4. Like you needed to be told: Looking Good Canvas Pouch 5. Manifest your dream sleeping partner: Personalised Pillowcase Set 6. No Valentine’s date is a win for pyjamas: Pink Palm PJ Shorts 7. Get your nails looking red hot: Limited Edition Valentine’s Day Nail Polish 8. Kale is always there for you and never leaves his socks around: Relationship Status Kale Mug


PS. More gifts you don’t need a man to buy and a comfy-as date-yourself outfit.

Hardtofind is Australia’s leading online curated marketplace for gifts, fashion and homewares.